Step by Step Guide Reveals How to Effectively use Hypnosis to Release Procrastination
Why you Want

Productivity over Procrastination

Being productive can boost confidence not only in yourself and also the ability to do the work to get the results you can achieve in your business.

Many people get paralyzed because of uncertainty, perfectionist tendencies and being unclear.

I know this is not you because you clicked on the link and are one step closer towards beginning to release procrastination.

I know this is not you because you clicked on the link and are one step closer towards beginning to release procrastination.

Image being able to be productive and focused on the task needed to achieve your goals. 
Being able to increase your confidence in your knowledge and have clarity with your goals. 

The Great Part is.....

This Hypnosis Session along with the workbook can help with doing what it takes to go after what you want to achieve.
To Successfully Become more productive and aligned with your future self, The Details are VERY important 

Details like....

Finding the root cause of what has been feeding into you procrastinating

Choosing to say “ No More” and then do something about it

Continue to do the actions necessary even when one does not feel like it. 

Most people that want to be more productive continue to put things off

Why is that? 

It’s because believe it or not there is a surge in dopamine, feelings of pleasure and reward, that is released when someone postpones a task. Due to this feeling the person continues to put things off because it feels more satisfying than doing the actual task.

Considering people will seek out more of the positive feelings released by putting something off than taking care of the task that needs to be completed because it is at times unpleasant. 

So putting something off has nothing to do with the task but the sense of relief one gets by doing that. 

Just think when one actually starts to complete task you get results like this:

Being in a better position to increase your income

You’ll achieve more of your goals

You show trustworthiness 

You avoid regret

You miss fewer opportunities 

While on the other side....

Continuing to Procrastinate this is what you will see:

Ruined Relationships with customers due to missing deadlines

Not answering queries in a timely manner, 

Not delivering orders on time, 

Your customers feeling betrayed and then ruining the relationship with your customers eventually and with no customers there will be no business. 

I do not want this to be you.

The Great thing it does not have to be you...

Introducing ......

Hypnosis Session on going from Pause to Progress: A step by step guide on how to use the session in an effective matter 

Extremely Limited Time Offer
Inside, You’ll Discover

Why being productive is the best for your life and business 

Simple steps to effectively use hypnosis towards releasing procrastination 

Identifying what has been holding you back

Visualizing and feeling what the experience will be like once you release procrastination 

Participating in an actual hypnosis session

Accountability towards three goals you have been putting off

This is the most complete, step by step guide to using hypnosis to release procrastination in an effective matter. Which you now have access to, all you have to say is “Yes” to YOU

“This Sounds Great...How Much For Instant Access?”

Most people don’t realize how much our subconscious influences our feelings and actions. 

That because change is typically discussed with us on a conscious level which is the part of the mind that is the weakest. 

So one might truly want change deep down but are consciously reminded of the potential pain that is attached to it or how exhausting doing something different can be. 

When you consider that you get not only a hypnosis session to speak directly to your subconscious mind but a guide around how to effectively use it. 

It would be very easy to put a price tag of $200, or more, on this hypnosis session and the step by step guide to go from “Pause to Progress”.

But when you grab this today, you won’t pay $200, or more. 

In fact, you won’t even have to invest the normal , everyday price of just $147

Today, you get in at the highly- discounted, one- time investment of just....


Whatever you do...don’t wait! If you come back later I can’t guarantee this opportunity will still be available. 

It is time to choose Productivity over Procrastination. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is this all about? 

This is a hypnosis session on how to release procrastination with a step by step guide around how to use it effectively before and after. 

Why go from Paused to Progress?

There’s not progress in planning and gathering information
Results come from taking action 
You can start moving out of the fears that keep you stuck 

What if I’m a complete Hypnosis newbie?
No Problem. This guide will provide you with step by step instructions and when you get to the hypnosis part as long as you did the beginning part of the workbook you will know exactly what to do because I will be guiding you during the hypnosis session itself. 

Is hypnosis safe? 

Yes. All hypnosis is extreme relaxation and focused concentration, with suggestions. In the case of this hypnosis session the suggestions will be catered to what you have identified by answering the questions in the workbook so that you can release procrastination. 

How much to get access to this guide to releasing procrastination? 
Although it is normally $147, today you can lock-in a special discount and get access for just $9.97. But please don’t wait, I am not sure how long this price will last. 

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